Health & Safety
Gridline Masonry Limited fully commit to duties placed on the Company by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety Regulations. As such the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare of Employees, Contractors and other Third Parties who may be affected by its activities, are of prime importance.
Managing the risk to people, property and environment is an integral part of Company objectives and is the responsibility of all management and staff. The Company shall comply with all relevant Health and Safety Legislation, and where possible shall strive to achieve higher standards through a programme of continual improvement.
The Directors are fully committed to promoting a positive safety culture, and proactively apply zero tolerance to accident and ill-health, through the application of best practice. Effective management of health and safety will be achieved through collaborative effort and cooperation from the workforce through consultation.
Pursuant to this Policy we shall:
- Comply with the requirements of this Health and Safety Policy
- Make available suitable and sufficient resources to implement the requirements of this Policy
- Provide a place of work that is safe and without risk to the health, safety and welfare of Employees, Contractors and General Public, so far as it is reasonably practicable
- Provide appropriate training to meet individual responsibilities and needs
- Continually improve Health, Safety, and Welfare performance
- Develop and implement a programme of behavioural based safety throughout the Company
- Monitor the health and safety performance during activities
- Review this Policy on an annual basis as a minimum, and/or where legislation or Standard change dictates, revising as required
- Communicate and make all employees aware of this Policy
This statement is supported by Company Procedures detailing specific responsibilities, organizational arrangements as a component of the safety management system.
Gridline Masonry Limited adheres to the health and safety procedures implemented by our clients, and ensures that an excellent health and safety attitude and record is maintained at all times.
We are fully committed to targets provided by Constructionline and CHAS, utilising training providers and on site assessments to ensure targets are met and our reputation is upheld.